
In the editor pane

SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Search currently open fileCtrl + FCommand + F
Start/stop simulationCtrl + EnterCommand + Enter
Pause and reset the simulationAlt + EnterOption + Enter
Single-step simulationCtrl + Shift + EnterCommand + Shift + Enter
Increase IndentTabTab
Decrease IndentShift + TabShift + Tab
Comment OutCtrl + /Command + /
Comment InCtrl + /Command + /
UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
RedoCtrl + YShift + Command + Z or Command + Y
Increase font sizeCtrl + .Command + .
Decrease font sizeCtrl + ,Command + ,
Decrease IndentCtrl + [Command + [
Increase IndentCtrl + ]Command + ]
Move the line downAlt + DownOption + Down
Move the line upAlt + UpOption + Up
ReplaceCtrl + FCommand + Option + F
Select allCtrl + ACommand + A
Select downwardShift + DownShift + Down
Select rightShift + RightShift + Right
Select leftShift + LeftShift + Left
Select upwardShift + UpShift + Up
Select to the endAlt + Shift + RightCommand + Shift + Right
Select to the startAlt + Shift + LeftCommand + Shift + Left
Align text rightCtrl + Shift + RightOption + Right
Align text leftCtrl + Shift + LeftOption + Left
Add multi-cursor aboveCtrl + Alt + UpCommand + Option + Up
Add multi-cursor belowCtrl + Alt + DownCommand + Option + Down
Add multi-cursor aboveCtrl + Alt + Shift + UpCommand + Option + Shift + Up
Move multi-cursor from current line to the line belowCtrl + Alt + Shift + DownCommand + Option + Shift + Down

Outside the editor

Project-wide searchCtrl + FCommand + F

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